“Then and Now – Artistic Journey of Ann Kulpa” Art Exhibit hosted by West Plains Council on the Arts
110 St. Louis St.
West Plains Council on the Arts (WPCA) will host an exhibition entitled “Then and Now – Artistic Journey of Ann Kulpa” by area artist Ann Kulpa in the Gallery at the Center, West Plains Civic Center from February 1 through March 8, 2025. The Gallery, on the mezzanine, is open to the public during regular Civic Center hours.
Artist’s Statement: As a child my hands were kept busy creating things. In school doodling on my papers instead of writing notes was an issue. I was a dreamer then and even today my mind wanders.
My husband and I lived in Colorado for many years before moving to the Ozarks and have lived in Cabool now for over 20 years. In Colorado I competed in juried art shows from Evergreen to Ft. Collins, earning awards and accepting commission work as a portrait artist. I worked for Interweave Press in Loveland CO, creating and writing ‘How To’ articles on herbal crafts that were published in The Herb Companion Magazine. In Missouri, I have won awards for my artwork in photography, graphite, pen & ink, digital painting and most recently, mixed-media acrylic paintings. As well, I taught classes in arts and crafts for the local art council. Because of my interest in the intuitive creative process, in 2022 I returned to the form of abstract art that I created naturally as a child and have continued this intuitive experiment in the multimedia process.
I am inspired by lines and patterns I see all around me and colors in nature, how they change in hue and move over a surface. When I draw lines and swirls that meet and part, intersections, thick lines and thin, there’s an intuitive connection to explore. It is through this process that a painting eventually tells me what it wants to be.
WPCA will host a reception for the exhibit on Saturday, February 15, 2025, from 2:00 – 4:00 PM in the Gallery at the Center. All are invited to attend, meet the artist, and discuss her work. The exhibit is co-sponsored by the West Plains Civic Center and West Plains Council on the Arts, with partial funding provided by Missouri Arts Council, a state agency.